Wholesale Contacts

Wholesale Contacts

Buying Wholesale Contacts Online

There's a very simple economic principle that governs much of our trade: the more hands materials pass through, the more they cost. This is true of everything from coffee to contact lenses. Each person who purchases a product in turn sells it at a higher price, to cover the cost of shipping as well as to make a profit. That's why buying things wholesale is invariably cheaper than buying from a retail store. Let's look at wholesale contacts as an example of this principle at work.

Let's say you go to your eye doctor and get a prescription for contact lenses. Your eye doctor agrees to purchase them for you, and either has them on hand already or will order them for you. Let's say she has reasonable business acumen, and knows that she cannot sell a product for less than she paid for it, and preferably should sell it at a profit. Else, why spend her time on stocking the product? So, at a bare minimum she increases the price of the contacts to include the cost of the product itself, shipping and handling, and enough to cover her time. Given how expensive most doctors' time is, you can bet that the increase is substantial.

Now let's say that, instead of buying the contacts from your eye doctor, you purchase wholesale contacts. That is, generally by the internet, you contact the actual producers of the contacts you want and order directly from them. They charge you what they would charge anyone else, and you pay that price as well as shipping and handling. What you don't pay for is the doctor's time, because she's not spending her time: you are. And, you're not spending much time at all, since all it takes is a click of the mouse on a website that sells wholesale contacts, as well as your prescription information.

By buying wholesale contacts, you avoid having to experience the the economic principle that the more hands a products pass through, the more it costs. Instead, you save money for high quality contacts and save your eye doctor some time.

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